Transportation in the Eye of the Hurricane. AJC Freight Solutions Strikes Back.

The transportation industry has been facing a storm of issues that can seem difficult to overcome, considering that new obstacles are encountered every week.  However, AJC Freight Solutions has been successfully managing these issues for months.

These industry issues include:

  • Pandemic related supply issues

  • Higher fuel prices and surcharges

  • Increasingly higher rates

  • 2022 weather problems

  • Freight embargoes that curtail capacity

  • Driver shortages/Carrier availability

  • Demands for greater transparency

  • Global instability

  • Port congestion impacting drayage and intermodal services

So, how does AJC Freight Solutions help?  We have a 50-year legacy of moving truckloads of freight along multiple lanes across North America and in some cases around the world.  We have helped our customers navigate shipping issues for many years especially since the beginning of 2020 when Covid changed everything.   As a company on the front lines of domestic and global shipping, we know how to help our customers maneuver through the many issues they face.  

We are all dealing with higher transportation costs.  Due to reasons such as production delays, changing inventory requirements, port congestion, increasing compensation and higher fuel prices.  Some of these will return to normal, but many are here to stay.  We are helping our customers with strategies to ensure inventory levels, ways to manage long-term vs. spot contracts and helping to provide carrier availability for their needs.  The result is more efficiency which in turn creates less stress and optimum rates.

We have increased our ability to provide real-time status updates through push notifications so that our customers know their exact shipment status at any time. It matters now, more than ever, that they know their freight is constantly moving and on-time.

As ports continue to operate through congestion issues, we are providing more and more drayage and intermodal services to domestic and international customers to serve those needs.  

AJC Freight Solutions has grown significantly during all of this turmoil.  Our years of experience, our knowledgeable teams and our strong relationships with shippers and carriers enable us to deliver the results and the outcomes our customers need.  


AJC Freight Solutions can help you through crunch time for produce and construction.


Gain flexibility with a drop-trailer program.